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Between the Streets - the Walton Arts Trail

Updated: Sep 14, 2024

Reflections of the Sea by Sarah Stratford Wright

Impressionist, realist, surrealist, modernist…? Whatever your choice in art, it will be here somewhere at Between the Tides, the Walton Arts Festival 20-22nd September, With some 40 events, workshops, demos and installations, an Arts Trail created by the Walton Art Network will be a feast for any art lover with a few hours to spare for wandering around the town and taking everything in.

Mermaid by Simply Twisted

By artists with Walton connections, most of the work will be in local shops and churches with businesses hosting an amazing variety of work in oils, acrylics, watercolour and crayon, not to mention lino cuts and cyanotype and photographs and wind drawings and record sleeves and…


There is also 3D work that ranges from locally produced flax in textiles to ceramic tiles, from woven willow to garments made from found objects, from… suffice to say, it will be a feast for the eyes.

Ma Mère La Mer (My Mother the Sea) by Lau Bo

The festival programme lists all the artists and where you can find them, with a map of all events and locations to help you plan your time and get around. Or you can check out our website for examples of the artists’ work.


You can take part too. You can try your hand at lino printing with Ian Noble on Saturday morning. And don’t forget there’s a whole beach to draw on. If you don’t like it the giant eraser of the tide will rub it out for you. Visit the arts and crafts workshops page on our website.

Illustrated Bible Passages by Duffy Tomei

The Naze Tower is celebrating 20 years with its own exhibition that will feature the winning entries in The Wonders of Walton school’s art competition organised by the Rotary Club. All the entries can be seen in the Education Room of the adjacent Essex Wildlife Trust.

*Cover picture: " Just Fish " from The Sun to the Deep Blue Sea painting series by Catherine Griffin, showing at East Coast 5.



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